Understanding that a cell's behaviour is controlled by its physical and energetic environment and not its genes, or how your cells respond to your thoughts and actions, can literally change the course of your life. Think about how you physically feel when you are stressed, angry, unhappy? What about when you are happy, loved or in love, laughing? New biology is on the frontiers of research demonstrating how your thoughts and emotions can change the behaviour of cells (without changing their genetic code).
Many people have heard of Dr. Masaru Emoto and his research with water. Dr. Emoto has published at least 6 books now with photographs demonstrating the effect on ice crystal formation on water that has had positive words taped to the dish, or negative words (as well as different types of music). This was indeed part of the inspiration behind Creo Mundi - the fact that the human body is over 70% water, thus if we surround the body with positive words perhaps we can fundamentally change the way people think about themselves (in a positive way).
Now Dr. Bruce Lipton has published a book "The Biology of Belief, Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles" where he describes the research demonstrating at a scientific level how your cells respond to your thoughts and perceptions. Dr. Lipton, a cellular biologist, describes his own "light bulb" moment as the moment when he realized that it is the physical and energetic environment that controls a cell's behaviour, not its genes. The genes he says are simply "molecular blueprints used in the construction of cells, tissues, and organs".
Even if you are not a molecular biologist, this simple statement has a ring of truth to it. As a nurse, I've believed for years that stress can change the physical environment of cells that in turn makes them more susceptible to viruses and cancers. The physical environment changes the behaviour of the cell.
I've seen people told they have months to live, go on to live many more years. And I've seen people told they have a year to live die exactly one year later. The difference in many cases was simply the attitude of the person - did they fight the diagnosis? Did they create visualizations, having a loving support system, eat healthily, remove themselves from stress wherever they could? Or did they accept the diagnosis, get their affairs in order, and basically live their life as a count-down to their final days? The genes may be creating one thing (the construction blueprint), but the environment can turn it into something else (the behaviour). Dr. Lipton's statement about the physical and energetic environment makes it easier to change ones perception on how the energy in Intention for example really can affect your physical environment.
The work in this area is exploding, and while many people remain unconvinced, my own feeling is that just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there. All it means is that our science has not yet caught up to being able to capture the data in a meaningful way. You can't see gravity, but you can feel it. You can't see energy from your body, but you can feel it.
So perhaps it is time to start paying attention to what you think on a daily basis, who or what you surround yourself with, and the actions you take each day. You really are in control of your own environment, so start making positive choices for a healthier being.
Article prepared by Alison Prentice RN BScN., Senior Medical Writer, and now President of Creo Mundi - a company that produces Intentional products. Alison has over 24 years combined experience in nursing and medical writing. http://www.creomundi.com
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