We are made of 85% of water, our cells are bathed in water, and we would not last very long if we did not have enough water in our bodies. Water is one of the most precious liquids on earth. I have discovered a way to turn it into a priceless healing tool.
After I read the book 'The Hidden Messages in Water', who experimented with frozen water molecules, to see if water was affected by thoughts and emotions, I decided to try it out.
I had been drinking filtered water for years, because it tastes much nicer than tap or bottled water. I wanted to find out what would happen by also blessing it. I filled up a jug with filtered water, rubbed my hands together and placed it on the jug thinking these thoughts: 'I love and appreciate you. I give you my gratitude for the life and nourishment you bring to my body. Thank you, I bless you with all my love'. I did this every time I filled up the jug. There was a definite improvement in the taste, much lighter, smoother, and fresher. I even received comments from friends who I gave a glass of that water to.
From then on I blessed the water each time I filled up the jug with fresh water. Then I noticed that when I would forget to do it, the water would not taste 'right' or as nice and then I would remember that I had forgotten the laying of hands on it.
As I did not want to forget, I thought that maybe I could find a shortcut. The idea came from a friend who was experimenting with me at the same time. He suggested I write a few loving words on a piece of paper and place it on the jug or bottle. So I did. I took a small piece of paper, large enough to accommodate a few words, but not too big, and wrote: 'Love, Appreciation, Gratitude,' and I wrapped it around the jug with adhesive tape, with the words facing the water. It worked a treat! Using this method, the water is always being blessed and it always tastes wonderful.
Of course it is much more powerful if there are real feelings of love and gratitude in the words before writing it. If you do it thinking it is a joke and it is all a pile of manure, then it might not be as powerful. Nevertheless it still works. Words have power, thoughts have power and they influence the molecular structure of water and all living things. (Please refer to the book: 'The Hidden Messages in Water' by the famous Japanese author).
Why bless the water you drink, you might ask? Because if you are made of 85% of the precious substance, by ingesting blessed water, you are recharging your cells on a molecular structure; and so the cells which regenerate themselves completely in a year, have the material to reproduce healthy cells instead of sickly ones.
If you are on the healing path, (or even if you are not), blessing water and food, is a must to integrate in your life. Blessing and giving gratitude to the food you eat, and the water you drink, changes the vibration of the food and water. And you will feel much more nourished on all levels. It creates a much healthier you, and it is a step closer to be more connected to your own spirit and to who you really are.
She has developed this particular system, and uses her psychic abilities to access the information that needs healing from the client.
Her book 'Healing is a Daily Business' describes the emotional entanglement that the human race has been subjected to and how to free oneself from it. Her healing system is described at the end of the book.
The information throughout the book is the key to understanding and releasing blockages and programs. http://www.lucianellahealing.co.uk/
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