Friday, October 1, 2010

Human Emotions Present in Matter, Plants and Animals Explained

A Japanese gentleman, Masaru Emoto, wrote a book called The Hidden Messages in Water, and illustrated the book with dozens of photos of crystals that formed under varying conditions it was placed in. Dr. Masaru Emoto has taken hundreds, maybe thousands of photos of the formation of ice crystals at about -4 degrees F. He allowed the water to freeze under many varying conditions such as exposing the water to Beethoven's and Mozart's classical music, heavy metal music, gospel songs, hymns, Japanese, French, English, Spanish, etc. children songs, Buddhist chants and prayers of the several creeds of religion. He also used different kinds of water such as tap water from New York City, Tokyo, London and many other cities, and water from artesian wells from around the world, melting snow etc. The water was also exposed to sweet talk, stern commands and prayer.
The special thing Dr. Masaru Emoto observed is that water shows emotions towards the several natural conditions of water, the music, chants and songs to which it is exposed. The crystals show that water is not happy when corrupted with harsh chemicals such as chlorine, fluoride, etc. Beautiful crystals form when Mozart and Beethoven are played, but the crystals have there own characteristics with respect to Beethoven and to Mozart. Beethoven has more pristine beauty and Mozart is more romantic and adapted to please rather than to impress. The water shows the characters in music between these two. The water forms nice crystals when one says, "Please do such or so"; but when the order, "Do it!" is repeated, ill-formed/chaotic crystals form.
The several kinds of human-corrupted tap water refuse to form crystals at all. Water placed near a microwave oven again forms chaotic crystals. Heavy metal music has the effect of the water forming ugly masses of crystals. It is really very remarkable. I was perplexed to tell you the truth. How could an inorganic substance show these remarkable human reactions? I let the matter rest and the next morning (this morning, really) the answer shot into my awareness. What these experiments suggest is that water has a spiritual quality. We are souls underneath our physical forms. Jesus stated that the physical form is as nothing and the spirit is all. I have stated and proven in my articles and book that everything is soul/deceived-spirit and that the souls associated with even the most harsh and corrosive chemical substances at one time were associated directly with human bodies and intelligence.
The souls associated with water retain there memory of once having been a human being and these souls remember the experiences, emotions and suffering they were exposed to as humans. One way these souls associated with water still reflect their memories about these emotions is in the way they create crystals. They will express there feelings, creativity and emotions in certain abilities left to them as water. One of these is the creating of crystals--in other words, the souls associated with water do emotionally and on a certain level rationally try to communicate with souls that now are human beings. The souls associated with water know when they are observed by souls associated with human intellect.
On the same level we can observe the behavior of animals in the wild. These are harsh, unforgiving creatures while hunting, yet are tender when caring for the young. But when animals are associated with human beings as pets or beasts of burden and when they are well cared for and loved these creatures begin to show definite human sorts of emotions. This is often expressed in movies where horses whinny when the owner comes close after a time of absence, etc. We are all well familiar with pet behavior. It is a behavior almost completely contrary to the same kind of behavior in animals in the wild.
They take on human emotional characteristics. There is a common characteristic running throughout the animal world, especially noticeable in large mammalian predators such as lions, tigers and killer whales. They all show a natural respect for human beings. Killer whales will never attack a human being and sharks only do when they are in a feeding frenzy or when not immediately aware they are attacking a human being. Pet dogs may attack humans but these do it to protect their masters or when trained as watch dogs. Kurilian photography has shown the incredible ability in life leaves and branches of plants to predict exactly the path of break in the leave or branch before it is actually broken.
The Kurilian photo is taken before the leave or branch is broken and the break in the leave as shown in the photo is compared with the broken leave or branch are broken. Kurilian photos are taken when plants are exposed to high electrical voltage. I do not remember how exactly it is all done, but I do vividly remember the photographs. Plants, also, react to the good care of its owners. Plants show emotions when they are exposed to music, music by Mozart in particular. Having all these emotional reactions from organic creatures and inorganic materials available to me for observation, I can now clearly see that my hypothesis that all matter and all creatures have the exact same kind of souls underlying their physical projections is valid. Scientists say that everything in the universe is energy, although they cannot discern where the energy originally comes from. Universal energy comes from spirit.
Universal energy does not come from rational spirit but from irrational spirit. This irrational spirit is controlled by a rational spirit who designed and controls how irrational spirit projects its energy and in what manner it projects its material forms through a set of highly detailed general laws of physics and chemistry. What I know of souls' journey through the several species of humans, animals, plants, organic and inorganic matter, and even through the stages of non matter and anti matter is that presently souls enter universal consciousness through the human species, and from there souls atrophy in its ability to project to animals, plants, organic matter, inorganic matter and so on. In the end soul has squandered its complete affiliation with truth through believing ever increasing amounts of lies and propaganda until the innate truth in soul succumbs to the load of lies believed and is then no more.
It then experiences death in truth. I have graphs and figures that depict these sojourns of souls in spiritual make-believe. I do not claim to have originated this material, but I do claim that I am the first able to record it and put it in book form. My knowledge is not universal; it comes from spirit, the spirit in Jesus known as the Comforter.
Originally, at the "big bang" and shortly thereafter souls were assigned to create the original bulk of universal energy and skipped this natural soul progression as stated above. Souls agreed ("were coerced" is a better phrase) to be matter first and at a later point in the evolution of the universe adopted human forms, etc. as delineated above. Matter is upheld by souls who have naturally degenerated in their ability to associate with spiritual truth to the states of pure matter and non matter and then souls are no more at all.
I was delighted to be made acquainted with his photographs on crystal research. I can see that he tried to analyze the meaning of his observations, but I believe he should have placed a more tentative quality to his interpretations on the meaning of the moods of water under which it creates its crystals. I like to place such tentativity on my interpretation of his photos also; but as for me, I am convinced that I am right because of the all comprehensive understanding I have gained on the reality of our souls.
I thank Dr. Masaru Emoto for sharing his observations with us all.

Hans van Krieken, author of "the Truth About Reality- -Beyond God and Religion
You can learn more from and his website
c) Copyright - Hans van Krieken. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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